One of the most important issues for working people in the 2022 midterm elections is retirement security. Candidates across the country are focused on undercutting retirement security, but working people reject these cynical moves and will support candidates who promise to protect Social Security and related programs. Today, we are spotlighting a 2022 candidate on retirement security: Don Bolduc of New Hampshire.
Don Bolduc, New Hampshire’s GOP Senate nominee, advocated privatizing Medicare during a campaign town hall in early August, according to a recording of the event obtained by Politico. Bolduc’s comments came in response to a woman who complained about Medicare and Medicaid, arguing they were worsening outcomes for elderly patients and hamstringing medical professionals. Bolduc responded that he frequently speaks about how major reform is necessary for the programs.
“The privatization is hugely important,” the retired Army general told the audience in the town of Pembroke. “Getting government out of it, getting government money with strings attached out of it.”