Current Job Openings

Civil, Human, and Women's Rights

Civil, Human, and Women's Rights Director


National Press Secretary and Senior Writer
National Press Secretary and Senior Writer

Center for Transformative Organizing

Senior Researcher


Data, Analytics and Infrastructure

Associate Director of Data Systems and Engineering
Director of Data and Technology


Economic Power and Growth

Special Projects Lead
Senior Organizer Trainer

Human Resources

Confidential Secretary

Political and Field Mobilization

Office Administrator

View additional job openings in the labor movement.

Additional Opportunities

Become a Union Organizer

Union organizers are on the front lines of activism, building power while engaging in the important social and economic issues facing working families. Organizers are a resource for working people who are interested in forming a union. The Organizing Institute develops and promotes the craft of organizing. We recruit and train new organizers; collaborate in solidarity with community allies; and share innovations and strategic campaigns for social justice.

Become a Strategic Researcher

Strategic corporate researchers work for labor unions, environmental justice groups and community-based organizations. Strategic researchers provide insights on corporate ownership, finances, organizational structure and connections and help progressive organizations understand the sources of corporate power.

Strategic Corporate Research Summer School, June 23–28, 2024

The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 23-28, 2024. The application deadline is May 1. The course is designed for students and others who want to make corporations accountable by working as researchers in unions and social change organizations. The course offers a regular track and an advanced track with an additional research and writing requirement. It is open to individuals applying on their own and to individuals sponsored by unions and other organizations. Scholarships are available to non-sponsored individuals who qualify. Inquire if interested in obtaining course credit. For more info, email [email protected], call (607) 391-1242, or go to the course website.