Press Release | Labor Law

AFL-CIO President Applauds Court Victory for Illegally Fired NLRB Member Gwynne Wilcox

AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler issued the following statement in response to a ruling from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that President Trump did not have the legal authority to fire Gwynne Wilcox from her position as a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB):

“We commend the court’s decision to uphold the integrity and independence of the NLRB, an agency that upholds workers’ freedom to form a union. More than a month after Trump effectively shut down the NLRB by illegally firing Gwynne Wilcox, denying it the quorum it needs to hold union-busters accountable, the court ordered Wilcox immediately returned to her seat, allowing the NLRB to get back to its essential work. The court also sent an important message that a president cannot undermine an independent agency by simply removing a member of the board because he disagrees with her decisions. Working people around the country count on equal justice and fair decision-making from an independent NLRB—and today, because of Wilcox’s commitment to the mission of the NLRB and her refusal to stand by as Trump illegally removed her from the board, the NLRB can get back to work.”

Contact: Mia Jacobs, 202-637-5018
